
The Advanced Resource Embedder provides several mechanisms to integrate files in the generated code.

An XML file file contains a set of rules which describe how to select the files to include in the generator. The XML file is read and resource rules introduced by the resource XML element are collected.

The source paths are then scanned and a complete tree of source files is created. Because several source paths are given, we have several source trees with possibly duplicate files and names in them.

The source paths are matched against the resource rules and each installation rule is filled with the source files that they match.

The resource installation rules are executed in the order defined in the package.xml file. Each resource rule can have its own way to make the installation for the set of files that matched the rule definition. A resource rule can copy the file, another can concatenate the source files, another can do some transformation on the source files and prepare it before being embedded and used by the generator.

Install mode: copy and copy-first

The copy and copy-first mode are the simpler distribution rules that only copy the source file to the destination. The rule is created by using the following XML definition:

<install mode='copy'>
  <include name="*.txt"/>

If the tool is called with several directories that contain a same file name then the copy installer will complain because it has two source files for a same destination name. When this happens, you may instead use the copy-first mode which will take into account only the first file found in the first directory.

By default the relative path name of the file is used to identify the embedded content. Sometimes, you may want to drop the file extension and access the content by using only the name of the file without its extension. This is possible by setting the strip-extension attribute to yes as follows:

<install mode='copy' strip-extension='yes'>
  <install name="*.txt"/>

If the file has the name help.txt, then it is known internally by the name help.

Install mode: concat

The concat mode provides a distribution rule that concatenates a list of files. The rule is created by using the following XML definition:

<install mode='concat' source-timestamp='yes'>
  <include name="NOTICE.txt"/>

This rule is useful when the tool is invoked with several directories that contain files with identical names. Unlike the copy and copy-first rules that take into account only one source file, the concat mode handles this situation by concatenatating the source files.

By default the generated file has a timestamp which correspond to the time when the are command is executed. By setting the source-timestamp attribute to true, the generated file is assigned the timestamp of the newest file in the source files.

Install mode: exec and copy-exec

The exec and copy-exec mode are the most powerful installation rules since they allow to execute a command on the source file. The copy-exec will first copy the source file to the destination area and it will execute the command. The rule is created by using the following XML definition:

<install mode='exec' dir='target' source-timestamp='true'>
  <command slow='false' output='...'>cmd #{src} #{dst}</command>
  <fileset dir="source">
    <include name="**/*"/>

The command is a string which can contain EL expressions that are evaluated before executing the command. The command is executed for each source file. The following EL variables are defined:

Name Description
src defines the absolute source path
dst defines the target destination path
name defines the relative source name (ie, the name of the resource file)

Install mode: bundles

The Are.Installer.Bundles package provides distribution rules to merge a list of bundles to the distribution area. The rule is created by using the following XML definition:

<install mode='bundles' source-timestamp='true'>
  <fileset dir='bundles'>
    <include name="**/*.properties"/>

Install mode: webmerge

The webmerge distribution rule is intended to merge Javascript or CSS files which are used by XHTML presentation files. It requires some help from the developer to describe what files must be merged. The XHTML file must contain well defined XML comments which are used to identify the merging areas. The CSS file merge start section begins with:

<!-- ARE-MERGE-START link=#{contextPath}/css/target-merge-1.css -->

and the Javascript merge start begings with:

<!-- ARE-MERGE-START script=#{contextPath}/js/target-merge-1.js -->

The merge section is terminated by the following XML comment:

<!-- ARE-MERGE-END -->

Everything withing these XML comments is then replaced either by a link HTML tag or by a script HTML tag and a file described either by the link= or script= markers is generated to include every link or script that was defined within the XML comment markers. For example, with the following XHTML extract:

<!-- ARE-MERGE-START link=#{contextPath}/css/merged.css -->
<link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<!-- ARE-MERGE-END -->

The generated file css/merged.css will include awa.css, jquery-ui-1.12.1.css, chosen.css and the XHTML will be replaced to include css/merge.css only by using the following XHTML:

<link media='screen' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'

To use the webmerge, the package.xml description file should contain the following command:

<install mode='webmerge' dir='web' source-timestamp='true'>
   <property name="contextPath"></property>
   <property name="jquery.path">/js/jquery-3.4.1.js</property>
   <property name="jquery.uiCssPath">/css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.12.1.css</property>
   <property name="jquery.chosenCssPath">/css/jquery-chosen-1.8.7/chosen.css</property>
   <property name="jquery.uiPath">/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1</property>
   <fileset dir="web">
      <include name="WEB-INF/layouts/*.xhtml"/>

The merging areas are identified by the default tags ARE-MERGE-START and ARE-MERGE-END. These tags can be changed by specifying the expected value in the merge-start and merge-end attributes in the install XML element. For example, with

<install mode='webmerge' dir='web' source-timestamp='true'

the markers becomes:

<!-- RESOURCE-MERGE-START link=#{contextPath}/css/target-merge-1.css -->